Become a Member of Docomomo-US
How your membership supports Docomomo-US:
Membership represents roughly ⅓ of our operating income
Membership allows us to speak out on behalf of threatened sites and makes the bi-monthly newsletter, Tour Day, and the National Symposium possible.
Membership dues are shared with regional chapters to support local advocacy and events.
A discount at Design Within Reach.
Chose an International Membership and receive two issues of the Docomomo Journal [sample article]
and Support the Northern California Chapter
How your membership supports Docomomo-Northern California:
When you join Docomomo-US, select the Northern California Chapter as your affiliation, and a portion of your membership fee goes to our operating budget.
We offer members exclusive access to house tours, social events, and early access to public events, such as walking tours.
Join Docomomo Northern California
To join Docomomo Northern California, visit this link and join Docomomo-US. Select Northern California as your Chapter.